Carthage Classical Academy

Tunis - Tunisia

+(216) 29.923.081

56.58 Rue Tahar Ben Achour

Mutueville, Tunis

Office Hours

07:30 - 15:30 M - Th

07:30 - 12:30 Friday

+216 29 923 081

56.58 Rue Taher Ben Achour

56.58 Rue Taher Ben Achour

Mutuevillle, Tunis

Mutuevillle, Tunis

09:00 - 15:00 M - Th

09:00 - 11:00 Friday

CCA Student Council
CCA student

Secondary students organize a student council each year. Student Council focuses on leadership development and provides channels through which ideas for activities and concerns from students can be expressed. The student council plans activities for the benefit and enjoyment of the CCA students and community.