Carthage Classical Academy

Tunis - Tunisia

+(216) 29.923.081

56.58 Rue Tahar Ben Achour

Mutueville, Tunis

Office Hours

07:30 - 15:30 M - Th

07:30 - 12:30 Friday

+216 29 923 081

56.58 Rue Taher Ben Achour

56.58 Rue Taher Ben Achour

Mutuevillle, Tunis

Mutuevillle, Tunis

09:00 - 15:00 M - Th

09:00 - 11:00 Friday

Here’s what some primary students have to say:

“I’m so thankful for CCA!”

“I like the kind teachers.”

“Battle of the Books is so fun!.”

“There is just something special about CCA.”

CCA’s Primary school students are building a strong foundation for future learning. Our primary teachers create classroom experiences to optimize the learning experience. We believe that the early years are uniquely formative years when students are most pliable and open to being influenced by adult role models. That’s why we take these years so seriously at CCA and why we focus on being positive role models.

The Primary school is also marked by CCA’s overall commitment to engaged learning. Walking by a classroom, it’s common to hear the sounds of students collaborating, moving around, and exploring through hands-on learning activities. In addition to the sounds of engaged learning, you’ll often see a teacher working one-on-one with a student to provide individualized support. We understand that students learn in different ways, and it is our goal to meet the needs of each of our young learners.

These core developmental measures help to equip primary-aged children to begin cultivating their environment in positive and constructive ways. When we consider the future of our society, we are filled with hope as we partner with parents and community leaders to guide our elementary students on the pathway to becoming moral leaders and global thinkers who will shape the culture around them!