Carthage Classical Academy

Tunis - Tunisia

+(216) 29.923.081

56.58 Rue Tahar Ben Achour

Mutueville, Tunis

Office Hours

07:30 - 15:30 M - Th

07:30 - 12:30 Friday

+216 29 923 081

56.58 Rue Taher Ben Achour

56.58 Rue Taher Ben Achour

Mutuevillle, Tunis

Mutuevillle, Tunis

09:00 - 15:00 M - Th

09:00 - 11:00 Friday

CCA After School Activities

Primary School after-school programs will take place from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Secondary after-school program times will vary depending on the activity.

The staff at CCA leads the after-school activities, but parents and friends of the school are encouraged to help lead them.  Parents will be required to pick up students promptly at 4:15 p.m.

Please contact the school if you would like to volunteer to lead an after-school activity.